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Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

A hands-on class lead by Don Smith of Owl Orchard

Late winter is the best time to prune fruit trees and ornamentals. By pruning, you improve the plant’s health, thus reducing the needs for pesticides and improving water quality.

What: The first hour will be a presentation describing fruit tree growth and why pruning is critically important. The next hour and half will be “hands on” experience as participants will perform actual pruning based on the information provided.

What to Wear: The presentation will be held in a barn. There will be restaurant heaters in use, but still check the weather forecast for suitable clothing. The “hands on” portion will be in orchard where it maybe places which are wet, thus, bring footwear that will keep your feet dry.

What to Bring: Pruning Shears.

Other: Rain date is Saturday, February 17, 2024


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